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Total System Engineering

About US


TOP Priority company, TOSYS

Become a Top Priority company chosen by customers first
by serving impeccable Manufacturing Processes and Flawless


  • Loyalty

    Grow with customer’s
    loyalty and trust

  • Integrity

    Cornerstone of all our
    business processes

  • Enthusiasm

    New technology and
    creative ideas

  • Inclusiveness

    Recognize diversity and
    respect different

  • Commitment

    Technology, products,
    and services

Total System Engineering

At TOSYS, We Think the Best.

Having worked in OEMs, I always strived for process improvement, technological advancement, and above all, operator easiness.

Often criticized for ideas as being "unachievable", I preserved with the belief of attaining the unthinkable, thus founding TOSYS Co. Ltd.

Founded in 2012, the journey was certainly not easy, however, with sheer determination and efforts by the entire team, TOSYS managed to assist several OEMs in the achievement of their milestones.

At TOSYS, we "Think the Best", and hence adopt an unidirectional approach to achieve our goal i.e. pleasing our customer with industrial automation while ensuring first class quality.



  • Head Office
  • Engineering Center
  • Manufacturing Factory
  • Test Center